Nachrichten aus der Bildungsforschung
Auszug aus dem Veranstaltungskalender des Deutschen Bildungsservers
- EDEN 2025 Annual Conference "Shaping the Future of Education in the age of AI"
- Open ThOERsday – Die offene Sprechstunde von OERinfo
- Online-Kongress zur digitalen Demokratie
- 14th Autism Europe International Congress
- Weiterbildung und KI – eine Themenwoche am Deutschen Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE)
- Ganztagskongress 2025 "Das Kind im Zentrum"
- IDeA-Symposium zu Neurodiversität in der Bildung: Herausforderungen und Chancen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive
- Open ThOERsday – Die offene Sprechstunde von OERinfo
- TURN Conference 2025 "Turn to Action"
Schule und Lehrerbildung
Berufliche Bildung
- Open ThOERsday – Die offene Sprechstunde von OERinfo
- Future Skills: Was wir morgen wirklich brauchen!
- Welt-Autismus-Tag 2025 – Binnensicht Autismus
- Hybrid-Fachtagung Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen: "Autismus & ADHS" – Anders denken, anders lernen – Junge Menschen verstehen und fördern
- 14th Autism Europe International Congress
- EDEN 2025 Annual Conference "Shaping the Future of Education in the age of AI"
- Future Skills: Was wir morgen wirklich brauchen!
- "Future Skills" Fachbereichsübergreifende Konferenz des DVV in Jena
- Medienmittwoch: Medienkompetenz fördern - Essstörungen vorbeugen
- IT-Tage 2025
- Autismus-Fachtag
- Alles über ADHS in 90 Minuten – ADHS im Vorschulalter
- Alles über ADHS in 90 Minuten – Jugendhilfe
- Welt-Autismus-Tag 2025 – Binnensicht Autismus
Ausgewählte Zeitschriften aus dem Bereich Educational Technology und Bildungsforschung
- Micro-credentials and their implications for lifelong learning–global insights and critical perspectives
- Micro-credentials and wellbeing
- Relationships between cognitive presence and students’ learning outcomes in online higher education: a meta-analysis
- Systematic review of digital microcredentials: trends in assessment and delivery
- Deepening the focus on microcredentials—labour market sector relevance, quality and inclusion: a critical commentary
- A learner experience framework for microcredential design and online learning
- Institutional readiness for the implementation of micro-credentials in higher education
- Satisfaction with learning materials in relation to volitional competence and behavioral intention in open and flexible learning environments
- Using learner engagement patterns for predictive modeling in a MicroMasters program
- Implementing a competency-based assessment approach to micro-credentials
- Gamified learning impact: a meta-analysis of game element combinations on students’ learning outcomes
- Understanding pre-service teachers’ acceptance of generative artificial intelligence: an extended technology acceptance model approach
- Exploring grade and gender differences in computational thinking skills: a Greek primary school study
- Adjusting to a new normal: understanding the need for a significant overhaul of the technological infrastructure at higher education institutions
- Conceptualizing a pedagogical model for immersive virtual reality safety training: pedagogical practices in trainer interviews
- Music and online learning: new perspectives and directions
- Sense of promisingness: towards creative expertise through knowledge-building discourse in online graduate education
- Virtual virtuoso: a systematic literature review of immersive learning environments for psychomotor skill development
- Correction: Analyzing the discourse on open educational resources on Twitter: a sentiment analysis approach
- A case-based reasoning and ontology-based hybrid recommender system for student orientation in higher education
- Digital learning in the 21st century: trends, challenges, and innovations in technology integration
- Using emoji to ascertain student emotional responses to technology-based human anatomy instruction
- Evaluation of a self-instructional self-regulated learning material in mathematics
- University students’ emotions about learning subjects through English as a medium of instruction
- What is and what is not 360° video: conceptual definitions for the research field
- Predictors of early school leaving in within teaching through interaction framework
- Digital educational escape game design for STEM higher education
- Technologies applied to education in the learning of English as a second language
- Breakthroughs, lags, and contradictions: an analysis of the practices and effects of new media art aesthetic education in China
- The power duo: unleashing cognitive potential through human-AI synergy in STEM and non-STEM education
- The scripted computer-supported collaborative argumentation in a secondary school classroom: an exploratory study
- When is observing failure productive? Investigating the role of solution diversity in vicarious failure
- Walking the number line: towards an enactive understanding of integer arithmetic
- Why do people not desire to know all their unknowns? Exploring the potential of interest as a factor in arousing curiosity in science
- Teacher noticing to scaffold knowledge-building inquiry in two grade 5 classrooms
- Can whole-body tracing and hand tracing make any difference? Experimental evidence of learning outcomes, cognitive load, and intrinsic motivation on university students
- How more-improvement and less-improvement groups differ in peer feedback giving and receiving practice-an exploratory study
- University students’ perceptions of using generative AI in translation practices
- Comparing effectiveness of exploratory learning activities given before instruction: generating multiple strategies vs. inventing one strategy
- Moderating effects of students’ dispositions on relationships between instructional activity and students’ science literacy using PISA 2015
- Editorial notes: Unity in diversity at the CSCL crossroads
- Enhancing students’ dialogic reflection through classroom discourse visualisation
- How does collaborative task design shape collaborative knowledge construction and group-level regulation of learning? A study of secondary school students’ interactions in two varied tasks
- How do new ideas come to be adopted during discourse?
- Disagreeing softly: Supporting students in managing disagreement in peer critique
- A decade of highly cited articles in educational technology research: emerging trends, dominant themes, and future directions
- The effect of emotive case construction on knowledge acquisition and ethical sense-making
- Examining computational thinking across disciplines in higher education classrooms: learning outcomes from student-generated artifacts
- Mobile-based artificial intelligence chatbot for self-regulated learning in a hybrid flipped classroom
- Flexibility as a form of inequity in emergency remote online learning: the perspective of Israeli university students
- How instructors use learning analytics: the pivotal role of pedagogy
- Elementary preservice teachers learn cardiac form and function with virtual reality: using study replication to define features of best practice
- Accessible and inclusive online learning in higher education: a review of the literature
- Exploring satisfaction of online teaching faculty from a Job Demands-Resources model perspective: the mediating roles of emotional exhaustion and motivation
- Academic course planning recommendation and students’ performance prediction multi-modal based on educational data mining techniques