Nachrichten aus der Bildungsforschung
Auszug aus dem Veranstaltungskalender des Deutschen Bildungsservers
- KIWi Policy Talk “After the election: What's at stake for Germany in international academic exchange?”
- Open ThOERsday – Die offene Sprechstunde von OERinfo
- Community Call: Mathe meistern - Basiskompetenzen mit digitalen Medien fördern
- IDeA-Symposium zu Neurodiversität in der Bildung: Herausforderungen und Chancen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive
- Werte und Motive in der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung
- Werte und Motive in der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung
- Biko 2025 – Die aim Bildungskonferenz
- Yes, we are open! Künstliche Intelligenz verantwortungsbewusst gestalten
- Online-Fachveranstaltung: Anstoß eines nachhaltigen Veränderungsprozesses zur Bearbeitung von Diskriminierung in Schulen
- Jahrestagung der DGfE-Sektion Organisationspädagogik zum Thema "Organisation & Digitalität"
Frühe Bildung
Schule und Lehrerbildung
Berufliche Bildung
- Tag des dualen Studiums
- Erfolgreich bewerben – Onlinebewerbung, Vorstellungsgespräch & Assessment-Center für Schüler*innen
- KIWi Policy Talk “After the election: What's at stake for Germany in international academic exchange?”
- Thementag: Menschenrechtsschutz in Europa
- Fit für den Fachunterricht
- Community Call: Mathe meistern - Basiskompetenzen mit digitalen Medien fördern
- Fortbildung: KI in der Schule: Verstehen & Verantworten (Part I), Lehren und Lernen (Part II)
- IDeA-Symposium zu Neurodiversität in der Bildung: Herausforderungen und Chancen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive
- Werte und Motive in der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung
- Werte und Motive in der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung
Ausgewählte Zeitschriften aus dem Bereich Educational Technology und Bildungsforschung
- Micro-credentials and wellbeing
- Relationships between cognitive presence and students’ learning outcomes in online higher education: a meta-analysis
- Systematic review of digital microcredentials: trends in assessment and delivery
- Deepening the focus on microcredentials—labour market sector relevance, quality and inclusion: a critical commentary
- A learner experience framework for microcredential design and online learning
- Institutional readiness for the implementation of micro-credentials in higher education
- Satisfaction with learning materials in relation to volitional competence and behavioral intention in open and flexible learning environments
- Using learner engagement patterns for predictive modeling in a MicroMasters program
- Implementing a competency-based assessment approach to micro-credentials
- Design principles for holistic student formation in online programs
- Metacognition research in education: topic modeling and bibliometrics
- Enhancing the flipped classroom model with generative AI and Metaverse technologies: insights from lag sequential and epistemic network analysis
- The impact of synchronous online discussions and online flipped learning on student engagement and self-regulation among preliminary undergraduates in a basic math course
- Development and implementation of an IVR-based assessment system for student teachers’ professional vision
- A progressive concept map-based digital gaming approach for mathematics courses
- Effect of adaptable and non-adaptable collaboration scripts through conversational agents on student’s engagement in online collaborative learning
- The role of help-seeking from ChatGPT in digital game-based learning
- Enhancing phonetic accuracy through chatbot-assisted language learning
- Concept maps in technological contexts of higher education: a systematic review of selected SSCI publications
- Mental effort matters: unpacking the influence of need for cognition on middle school students’ motivation and learning performance in technology-enriched problem-based learning
- The rise and drop of online learning: adaptability and future prospects
- The impact of augmented reality on education: a bibliometric exploration
- Faculty acceptance and use of generative artificial intelligence in their practice
- Strategies for inclusive digital education: problem/project-based learning, cooperative learning, and service learning for students with special educational needs
- Examining the motivators affecting acceptance towards learning management systems for sustainable learning amid COVID-19 pandemic
- Empowering marginalized communities through the digital transformation course
- The development of modern-day competences in education, in the context of an agile approach
- Socratic wisdom in the age of AI: a comparative study of ChatGPT and human tutors in enhancing critical thinking skills
- Self-directed learning for optimizing sustainable language learning via mobile assisted language learning: a systematic review
- Editorial: Designing, implementing and evaluating self-regulated learning experiences in online and innovative learning environments
- Why do people not desire to know all their unknowns? Exploring the potential of interest as a factor in arousing curiosity in science
- Teacher noticing to scaffold knowledge-building inquiry in two grade 5 classrooms
- Can whole-body tracing and hand tracing make any difference? Experimental evidence of learning outcomes, cognitive load, and intrinsic motivation on university students
- How more-improvement and less-improvement groups differ in peer feedback giving and receiving practice-an exploratory study
- University students’ perceptions of using generative AI in translation practices
- Increasing contrasting cases during exploration or practice problems given before or after instruction
- Feedback features and revision uptake in dialogic peer feedback: the moderating effect of self-efficacy and prior knowledge
- Investigating construct validity of cognitive load measurement using single-item subjective rating scales
- Learning from interactive video: the influence of self-explanations, navigation, and cognitive load
- Comparing effectiveness of exploratory learning activities given before instruction: generating multiple strategies vs. inventing one strategy
- Enhancing students’ dialogic reflection through classroom discourse visualisation
- How does collaborative task design shape collaborative knowledge construction and group-level regulation of learning? A study of secondary school students’ interactions in two varied tasks
- How do new ideas come to be adopted during discourse?
- Disagreeing softly: Supporting students in managing disagreement in peer critique
- Editorial Notes: Revitalising foundational concepts
- Using generative ai as a simulation to support higher-order thinking
- Students’ use of technological tools to engage in collective mathematical proof activity
- Emergent group understanding: Investigating intersubjectivity in sociotechnical interdependencies
- Comparing the effectiveness of CSCL scripts for shared task perceptions in socially shared regulation of collaborative learning
- Correction: Collaborative Problem-Solving in Knowledge-Rich Domains: A Multi-Study Structural Equation Model
- Mobile-based artificial intelligence chatbot for self-regulated learning in a hybrid flipped classroom
- Flexibility as a form of inequity in emergency remote online learning: the perspective of Israeli university students
- How instructors use learning analytics: the pivotal role of pedagogy
- Elementary preservice teachers learn cardiac form and function with virtual reality: using study replication to define features of best practice
- Accessible and inclusive online learning in higher education: a review of the literature
- Exploring satisfaction of online teaching faculty from a Job Demands-Resources model perspective: the mediating roles of emotional exhaustion and motivation
- Academic course planning recommendation and students’ performance prediction multi-modal based on educational data mining techniques
- Using digital technologies to support active and self-directed learning
- Personalized games for computer science education in higher education: the effect of personalization feature on students’ engagement and flow state
- The impact of pedagogical agent’s emotional expression on multimedia learning: a multi-faceted perspective