Nachrichten aus der Bildungsforschung
Auszug aus dem Veranstaltungskalender des Deutschen Bildungsservers
- Abschlussdiskussion: Bilanz des Specials "XR in der Hochschullehre"
- Barcamp: XR in der Hochschullehre – Beispiele aus der Praxis
- The International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK25) " Expanding the Horizons of Learning Analytics"
- ECER 2025 "Charting the Way Forward: Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives"
- 2025 AIEA Annual Conference "Building Bridges: Leading Internationalization in a Changing World"
- Junior Science Café KI
- Vortrag im Foyer: Dr. Ute Lemke „Margarete Rothbarth“
- 5. Studentische Konferenz: "Internationalisierung der Hochschulen – Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Studierendenschaften"
- Forschungswerkstatt wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
- Singularität und Sagbarkeit. Imaginierte, reale und wünschenswerte Grenzen der akademischen Debatte über Massengewalt
Frühe Bildung
- Der sonderpädagogische Schwerpunkt Sprache – aktuelle Bezüge zu anderen sonderpädagogischen Schwerpunkten, zu Prävention, früher Förderung und Ausbildung
- Fortbildung: Rassistischer Diskriminierung in Schule wirksam entgegenwirken
- Englischunterricht im sonderpädagogischen Schwerpunkt Geistige Entwicklung
- Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen: Hilfestellungen bei der schulischen Förderung (Teil 2)
- „Ist Autismus ein neues Modethema?“ – Kinder und Jugendliche mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen: Merkmale der Entwicklung verstehen und die pädagogische Unterstützung abstimmen (Teil 1)
Schule und Lehrerbildung
- Der sonderpädagogische Schwerpunkt Sprache – aktuelle Bezüge zu anderen sonderpädagogischen Schwerpunkten, zu Prävention, früher Förderung und Ausbildung
- Fortbildung: Rassistischer Diskriminierung in Schule wirksam entgegenwirken
- Junior Science Café KI
- Abschlussdiskussion: Bilanz des Specials "XR in der Hochschullehre"
- Barcamp: XR in der Hochschullehre – Beispiele aus der Praxis
Berufliche Bildung
- Vortrag im Foyer: Dr. Ute Lemke „Margarete Rothbarth“
- Medienelternabend - Digitale Lebenswelten: Chancen und Risiken
- Erinnerungskultur - Von der Notwendigkeit, Gedenken neu zu denken.
- Elterngespräche souverän meistern: psychotherapeutische Strategien für herausfordernde Gesprächssituationen
- (K)Ein weites Feld? Ein Überblick über das Feld der außerschulischen sozioökonomischen Bildung
- Vortrag im Foyer: Dr. Ute Lemke „Margarete Rothbarth“
- Forschungswerkstatt wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
- Fachtagung "Zukunftsorientiert weiterbilden. Die Transformation nachhaltig gestalten"
- Podiumsgespräch: "Erkenntnisse und Fragestellungen" – Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Diversität und Diskurs / Antisemitismus. Erinnerungskultur. Demokratie. / Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
- Elternarbeit im Wandel
- Der sonderpädagogische Schwerpunkt Sprache – aktuelle Bezüge zu anderen sonderpädagogischen Schwerpunkten, zu Prävention, früher Förderung und Ausbildung
- Fortbildung: Rassistischer Diskriminierung in Schule wirksam entgegenwirken
- Junior Science Café KI
- Abschlussdiskussion: Bilanz des Specials "XR in der Hochschullehre"
- Barcamp: XR in der Hochschullehre – Beispiele aus der Praxis
- The International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK25) " Expanding the Horizons of Learning Analytics"
- ECER 2025 "Charting the Way Forward: Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives"
- 2025 AIEA Annual Conference "Building Bridges: Leading Internationalization in a Changing World"
- Englischunterricht im sonderpädagogischen Schwerpunkt Geistige Entwicklung
- Kindheits- und Sozialwissenschaften M.A.: Jetzt alle Möglichkeiten entdecken!
Ausgewählte Zeitschriften aus dem Bereich Educational Technology und Bildungsforschung
- In defense of expertise—Teachers, teaching, and teaching design
- Characterization of approaches to online teaching in distance education courses
- Observing instructional design features in self-paced massive open online courses
- Psychometric properties of the Online Learner Satisfaction Instrument (OLSI): construct validity, convergent validity, and measurement invariance
- Explaining technical, social, and discursive participation in online mathematical discussions
- The role of teaching presence in students’ behavioral engagement
- Exploring instructors’ cultural presence in online course design and delivery
- The dynamics of role evolution in online learning communities
- Examining online university classrooms through emotion work and feeling currencies
- A SeNA-based study of in-service teachers’ interaction patterns in an online learning community
- Orchestrating iVR technology in an authentic classroom setting and its effects on factual knowledge, comprehension and transfer
- Exploring the effect of parental involvement on student engagement and academic performance using process data from learning management system
- Exploring pre-service teachers’ reflection mediated by an AI-powered teacher dashboard in video-based professional learning: a pilot study
- Instructional designers’ professional futures: insights from best possible self and epistemic network analysis
- Increasing the immersivity of 360° videos facilitates learning and memory: implications for theory and practice
- Influences of immersive virtual reality (IVR)-based science, technology, religion, engineering, art, and mathematics (STREAM) instructional approach on students’ learning performances
- Is metaverse a buzzword in education? Insights from a systematic review
- Exploring novel approaches to digital self-regulated learning: a study on the use of mobile applications among Polish and Turkish EFL pre-service teachers
- Contribution of self-determining theory to K–12 students’ online learning engagements: research on the relationship among teacher support dimensions, students’ basic psychological needs satisfaction, and online learning engagements
- Integrating dialectical constructivist scaffolding-based argumentation mapping to support students’ dialectical thinking, oral and dialogical argumentation complexity
- Company-university intersections through service-learning (SL): a systematic review
- Immersive poetry learning: a field study with middle school students
- Crafting personalized learning paths with AI for lifelong learning: a systematic literature review
- Enhancing spelling competence for English as a foreign language young learners through digital escape rooms
- Artificial intelligence for higher education: benefits and challenges for pre-service teachers
- Interest and motivation of disadvantaged students toward online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal
- Collaborative online learning in higher education—quality of digital interaction and associations with individual and group-related factors
- Generative AI and education: dynamic personalization of pupils’ school learning material with ChatGPT
- Examining the effect of AI-powered virtual-human training on STEM majors’ self-regulated learning behavior
- Editorial: Emerging technologies and digitalization in education for sustainable development
- Investigating construct validity of cognitive load measurement using single-item subjective rating scales
- Effects of short- and long-term prompting in learning journals on strategy use, self-efficacy, and learning outcomes
- Signaling cues and focused prompts for professional vision support: The interplay of instructional design and situational interest in preservice teachers’ video analysis
- Correction: Infusing teacher-preparation curriculum with case-based instruction focused on culturally responsive, sustaining pedagogy: comparing instructor-facilitated and instructor-supported approaches
- Correction: Fostering university students’ online reading: effects of teacher-led strategy training embedded in a digital literacy course
- Research on the correlation between teacher classroom questioning types and student thinking development from the perspective of discourse analysis
- Transfer of responsibility in novice and experienced Iranian EFL teachers’ scaffolding: interactional characteristics
- Fostering university students’ online reading: effects of teacher-led strategy training embedded in a digital literacy course
- Infusing teacher-preparation curriculum with case-based instruction focused on culturally responsive, sustaining pedagogy: comparing instructor-facilitated and instructor-supported approaches
- Learning from interactive video: the influence of self-explanations, navigation, and cognitive load
- Invented models – relating students’ constructions of computational models to their learning gains
- Working with Generative AI to support interactive learning and teaching: reflections from the European Distance and E-Learning Conference in 2024
- Predicting student burnout in blended environments: a complementary PLS-SEM and machine learning approach
- Exploring prompt pattern for generative artificial intelligence in automatic question generation
- Exploring learners’ attitudes towards meme consumption and their implications for classroom use
- Enhancing digital literacy in later life: the role of perseverance and consistency of interest
- Dynamics of cMOOC learner interactions in different social media: a longitudinal network analysis
- Development of ethical codes for instructors engaged in distance education: a Delphi study
- The role of graphics tablets in the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children in multicultural education
- Interactive learning: harnessing technology to alleviate foreign language anxiety in foreign literature education
- Editorial Notes: Revitalising foundational concepts
- Using generative ai as a simulation to support higher-order thinking
- Students’ use of technological tools to engage in collective mathematical proof activity
- Emergent group understanding: Investigating intersubjectivity in sociotechnical interdependencies
- Comparing the effectiveness of CSCL scripts for shared task perceptions in socially shared regulation of collaborative learning
- Correction: Collaborative Problem-Solving in Knowledge-Rich Domains: A Multi-Study Structural Equation Model
- Toward multimodal learning analytics in simulation-based collaborative learning: A design ethnography of maritime training
- CSCL: a learning and collaboration science?
- Collaborative Problem-Solving in Knowledge-Rich Domains: A Multi-Study Structural Equation Model
- Knowledge creation through maker practices and the role of teacher and peer support in collaborative invention projects
- Community of Inquiry design decisions across disciplines
- Evaluating the design of digital tools for the transition to an e-continuous assessment in higher education
- Enhancing learning from online video lectures: the impact of embedded learning prompts in an undergraduate physics lesson
- “Free selection and invitation” online peer assessment of undergraduates’ research competencies, flow, motivation and interaction in a research methods course
- Digital technology adaptation and initiatives: a systematic review of teaching and learning during COVID-19
- The impact of interactive synchronous HyFlex model on student academic performance in a large active learning introductory college design course
- Academic dishonesty and monitoring in online exams: a randomized field experiment
- Academic Communities of Engagement: exploring the impact of online and in-person support communities on the academic engagement of online learners
- Sentiment analysis for formative assessment in higher education: a systematic literature review
- Microanalytic evaluation of students’ self-regulated learning in flipped EFL instruction
- Assetisation as a means to solve public problems: the research excellence framework and competitive future-making
- The student as user: mapping student experiences of platformisation in higher education
- Religious ideologies of minimal computing: negotiating digital technology in religious nationalist education
- Beyond the screen: student experiences of social connection in a hybrid university learning environment
- The EU policy discourse on EdTech and constructing the image of an excellent teacher
- Data as asset, data as rent? Rentiership practices in EdTech startups
- Minimal computing in refugee education in Uganda: economies of digital use and non-use, and the right constraints
- Locating the minimal in minimal computing pedagogy: minimal computing tools and the classroom management of student composing workflows
- Correction
- The hidden costs of free services: how donations support the corporate platformization of education
- “A safe, non-judgmental space where I can really challenge myself:” learner experiences in a virtual, case-based diagnostic reasoning conference for students
- Leveraging learning science to improve student outcomes in asynchronous online medical terminology education
- Biometrically measured sleep in medical students as a predictor of psychological health and academic experiences in the preclinical years
- The perceived long-term impact of peer teaching in the skills lab. A descriptive interview study
- Bridging the procedures skill gap from medical school to residency: a simulation-based mastery learning curriculum
- An interprofessional postgraduate quality improvement curriculum: results and lessons learned over a 5-year implementation
- Collaborative 360° virtual reality training of medical students in clinical examinations
- The Transformative Care Continuum: implementing an accelerated pathway that addresses the new roles of the family medicine physician
- Online peer assessment in Galenic Pharmacy: enhancing evaluative judgement in higher education
- Accelerated 3YMD programs: the last decade of growth of the Consortium of Accelerated Medical Pathway Programs (CAMPP)
- All click and no play? Game comics, comic games, and user agency
- On the margins and at the centre
- Narrative co-creation with SPORE: a spatial hypertext based narrative recommender system
- The linear multiform: a cognitive model for E-Fiction
- Geo-spatial hypertext in virtual reality: mapping and navigating global news event spaces
- “I have established this support network”: How Chosen Kin Support Women Medical Students During their First Two Years in Medical School
- An Invitation to Probe Reality and Theorize Daringly About Human Experience: Exploring ‘Secret Affinities’ in Medical Education Inquiry
- Applying the Panarchy Framework to Examining Post-Pandemic Adaptation in the Undergraduate Medical Education Environment: A Qualitative Study
- Two-Dimensional Deaths? A Discourse Analysis of Patient Death in Preclinical Tutorial Cases at a Canadian Medical School
- Empowering Third-Year Medical Students to Detect Bias and Medical Misinformation Online via Experiential Learning of "Lateral Reading," A Fact-Checker’s Technique
- Community Collaboration to Develop a Curriculum on Settler Colonialism and the Social Determinants of Health
- How Might we Build an Equitable Future? Design Justice, a Counternarrative to Dominant Approaches in Medical Education
- Data, Discrimination, and Harm: LGBTQI People Left Behind
- From entry to transformation: exploring AI integration in teachers’ K–12 assessment practices
- Initial crisis leadership during COVID-19 higher education: a systematic review
- Can dynamic grouping improve students’ collaborative ability and learning performance in robotics education?
- Multidisciplinary teaching with an active video game: the effect on learning in mathematics and physical education
- How does the use of modern technologies affect students’ perception of information? The effectiveness of holographic projection technology in music education
- Early childhood teachers’ use of an FBA iOS app to support students who engage in challenging behaviour: a pilot study
- Comparison of Mytelemap and MindMeister in using competence maps for self-learning
- Student teacher learning with Ozobots and Makey Makeys during a workshop and field experience