Nachrichten aus der Bildungsforschung
Auszug aus dem Veranstaltungskalender des Deutschen Bildungsservers
- Diversitätsbewusste Spielmaterialien, kindheitspädagogische Hochschullehre und Professionalisierung
- Internationalisierung & Digitalisierung: Chancen und Herausforderungen 25 Jahre nach Bologna
- Forschendes Lernen in kindheitspädagogischen Studiengängen
- Ist Rechts jetzt en vogue? Zum Wahlverhalten der jungen Generation und den aktuellen Herausforderungen für das Konzept politischer Mündigkeit
- LINEup Opening Event
- Präsentationen mit Hilfe von KI erstellen
- Lernen und Unterricht mit KI
- Die inklusive Web-Redaktion – Barrierefrei texten
- Dandelin geht zur Schule: Basiswortschatz Deutsch für mehrsprachige Kinder
- Auftaktveranstaltung: Netzwerk kindheitspädagogische Hochschuldidaktik (NetKiD)
Frühe Bildung
- Klare Leitungsentscheidungen durch Begegnung mit der inneren Vielfalt
- „Es kommt auf mich an, hängt aber nicht nur von mir ab! Kitas agil und positiv führen“
- Diversitätsbewusste Spielmaterialien, kindheitspädagogische Hochschullehre und Professionalisierung
- BNE – im Winter!
- LesArt-Fortbildung: Literarischer Schauplatz Berlin – Die Großstadt als Motiv im Kinderbuch
Schule und Lehrerbildung
- LesArt-Fortbildung: Literarischer Schauplatz Berlin – Die Großstadt als Motiv im Kinderbuch
- Programm der FU Berlin zur Förderung der Lese- und Sprachkompetenz
- Online-Seminare der Stiftung Lesen für Leseclubs und media.labs
- Internationalisierung & Digitalisierung: Chancen und Herausforderungen 25 Jahre nach Bologna
- Autorenbegegnungen in Rheinland-Pfalz 2024/25
- Ist Rechts jetzt en vogue? Zum Wahlverhalten der jungen Generation und den aktuellen Herausforderungen für das Konzept politischer Mündigkeit
- Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie – Multiplikator*innen-Fortbildung
- Zwangsarbeit im deutschen Kolonialregime
- Geteilte Erinnerung. Deutsche Besatzung in Griechenland
- Präsentationen mit Hilfe von KI erstellen
- Is there also a kindergarten movement in the global south?
- Klare Leitungsentscheidungen durch Begegnung mit der inneren Vielfalt
- „Es kommt auf mich an, hängt aber nicht nur von mir ab! Kitas agil und positiv führen“
- Diversitätsbewusste Spielmaterialien, kindheitspädagogische Hochschullehre und Professionalisierung
- BNE – im Winter!
- „Familienzentren vor Ort? – So kann’s gehen!“
- Internationalisierung & Digitalisierung: Chancen und Herausforderungen 25 Jahre nach Bologna
- Forschendes Lernen in kindheitspädagogischen Studiengängen
- Wünsche, Träume, Utopien - Zukunft miteinander neu denken oder „Mit Phantasie gegen Routine und Resignation“ nach Jungk
- Stärkung von Wohlbefinden bei Kleinkindern durch Interaktionen mit Peers - Wenig bekannte und genutzte Ergebnisse der Säuglings- und Kleinkindforschung
Ausgewählte Zeitschriften aus dem Bereich Educational Technology und Bildungsforschung
- Teacher Cultivation of Classroom Statistical Modeling Practice: A Case Study
- Learning Inside the School, but Outside the Curriculum: An Extreme Case of Interest-Driven Learning in Alternative STEAM Learning Infrastructure for Schools
- The Intertwining of Children’s Interests and Micro-Practices at a Science Museum: Case Study of Three Children
- Psychometric properties of the Online Learner Satisfaction Instrument (OLSI): construct validity, convergent validity, and measurement invariance
- Explaining technical, social, and discursive participation in online mathematical discussions
- The role of teaching presence in students’ behavioral engagement
- Exploring instructors’ cultural presence in online course design and delivery
- The dynamics of role evolution in online learning communities
- Examining online university classrooms through emotion work and feeling currencies
- A SeNA-based study of in-service teachers’ interaction patterns in an online learning community
- Parental support challenges for K-12 student online engagement
- Conceptualising distance doctoral study after COVID-19: are we post-distance now?
- The online PhD dropout: narratives and meanings of withdrawal
- Education and technology: elements of a relevant, comprehensive, and cumulative research agenda
- A multi-level factors model affecting teachers’ behavioral intention in AI-enabled education ecosystem
- Analyzing the impact of basic psychological needs on student academic performance: a comparison of post-pandemic interactive synchronous hyflex and pre-pandemic traditional face-to-face instruction
- Evidence-based development of an instrument for the assessment of teachers’ self-perceptions of their artificial intelligence competence
- The effect of cumulative eye movements’ guidance of experts on transition from novice to expert
- DUDA: a digital didactic learning unit based on educational escape rooms and multisensory learning activities for primary school children during COVID-19 lockdown
- A case study of supporting group awareness to facilitate CSCL through a minimalist approach
- Evaluation of metaverse use intention in software education of university students: combining technology acceptance model with external variables
- Exploring the impact of technology on foreign language learning: a multivariate meta–meta-analysis study
- A computational thinking course for all preservice K-12 teachers: implementing the four pedagogies for developing computational thinking (4P4CT) framework
- Explaining primary school teachers’ intention to use digital learning platforms for students’ individualized practice: comparison of the standard UTAUT and an extended model
- Editorial: Games-based learning for social change
- Designing learning experiences using serious games: innovative village case study
- Crafting personalized learning paths with AI for lifelong learning: a systematic literature review
- Interest and motivation of disadvantaged students toward online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal
- Shaping the future of creative education: the transformative power of VR in art and design learning
- Editorial: Emerging technologies and digitalization in education for sustainable development
- Using games to ignite teens’ civic and social and emotional learning
- Commentary: Generative artificial intelligence empowers educational reform: current status, issues, and prospects
- AI-based avatars are changing the way we learn and teach: benefits and challenges
- Spaced recall reduces forgetting of fundamental mathematical concepts in a post high school precalculus course
- The roles that students’ ethnicity and achievement levels play in teachers’ choice of learning materials in online teaching: evidence from two experimental studies
- Research on the correlation between teacher classroom questioning types and student thinking development from the perspective of discourse analysis
- Developmental relations between mathematics self-concept, interest, and achievement: A comparison of solo- and co-taught classes
- Gaming the system mediates the relationship between gender and learning outcomes in a digital learning game
- Transfer of responsibility in novice and experienced Iranian EFL teachers’ scaffolding: interactional characteristics
- Fostering university students’ online reading: effects of teacher-led strategy training embedded in a digital literacy course
- Infusing teacher-preparation curriculum with case-based instruction focused on culturally responsive, sustaining pedagogy: comparing instructor-facilitated and instructor-supported approaches
- Improving multiple document comprehension with a lesson about multi-causal explanations in science
- Better self-explaining backwards or forwards? Prompting self-explanation in video-based modelling examples for learning a diagnostic strategy
- How academic hardiness mediates the relationship between students’ digital informal learning and their academic performance?
- Influence of artificial intelligence tools on higher order thinking skills: a meta-analysis
- Authentic assessment and interactive learning environments
- Systematics review on artificial intelligence chatbots and ChatGPT for language learning and research from self-determination theory (SDT): what are the roles of teachers?
- Maximising academic achievement in online learning: the role of student-content engagement strategies and profiles
- Analyzing interaction patterns and content dynamics in an online mathematics discussion board
- Exploring the use of productive failure to learn ecology in a virtual world: influence of self-efficacy and the use of learning strategies
- Effects of sentiment discreteness on MOOCs’ disconfirmation: text analytics in online reviews
- The crowd in MOOCs: a study of learning patterns at scale
- Authoring training scenarios “from within” in an immersive environment with the CESTATE framework
- CSCL: a learning and collaboration science?
- Collaborative Problem-Solving in Knowledge-Rich Domains: A Multi-Study Structural Equation Model
- Knowledge creation through maker practices and the role of teacher and peer support in collaborative invention projects
- Combining Danmaku and Discussion Boards: Toward A Scalable and Sociable Environment for Mass Collaboration in MOOCs
- The perceptions of task cohesion in collaborative learning teams
- Comparing the effectiveness of CSCL scripts for shared task perceptions in socially shared regulation of collaborative learning
- Comparing the effects of a collaboration script and collaborative reflection on promoting knowledge about good collaboration and effective interaction
- Capturing temporal pathways of collaborative roles: A multilayered analytical approach using community of inquiry
- Revealing the interplay of cognitive, meta-cognitive, and social processes in university students’ collaborative problem solving: a three-stage analytical framework
- Editorial notes: on dialogues and sequences
- Differentiated measurement of cognitive loads in computer programming
- The effect of social anxiety on student interactions in asynchronous online discussion forums as mediated by social presence and moderated by anonymity
- Curriculum analytics in higher education institutions: a systematic literature review
- Group formation based on extraversion and prior knowledge: a randomized controlled study in higher education online
- Understanding Chinese teachers’ informal online learning continuance in a mobile learning community: an intrinsic–extrinsic motivation perspective
- An examination of preservice classroom teachers’ perceived importance, self-efficacy beliefs, practices, and conceptions related to new literacies: a mixed design study
- ICT efficacy and response to different needs in university classrooms: effects on attitudes and active behaviour towards technology
- Effectiveness of H5P in improving student learning outcomes in an online tertiary education setting
- Non-traditional students’ preferences for learning technologies and impacts on academic self-efficacy
- Modularization for mastery learning in CS1: a 4-year action research study
- Reframing design in education: Proposing a framework to support pre-service teachers in adopting designerly stances
- The role of individual preparation before collaboration: An exploratory study on students’ computer-supported collaborative argumentation in a primary classroom
- Toward epistemic justice in socio-scientific decision-making: How youth make sense of lively COVID-19 and vaccines data
- Tools and materials as non-neutral actors in STEAM education
- Learning and constructions of us and them in teachers’ collaborative groups
- Interdisciplinary learning in the humanities: Knowledge building and identity work
- Curiosity to Question: Tracing productive engagement in an interdisciplinary course-based research experience
- Beyond disciplinary engagement: Researching the ecologies of interdisciplinary learning
- Methodological challenges of research on interdisciplinary learning
- An ecological paradigm of interdisciplinary learning: Implications for design
- Minimal computing in refugee education in Uganda: economies of digital use and non-use, and the right constraints
- Locating the minimal in minimal computing pedagogy: minimal computing tools and the classroom management of student composing workflows
- Correction
- The hidden costs of free services: how donations support the corporate platformization of education
- Navigating open-source platforms in schools: an inquiry into changing teacher professionality
- Decolonizing digital accessibility within land/water realities using minimal computing
- What do we know about YouTube content about academic writing? A multimodal analysis
- Keywords, citations and ‘algorithm magic’: exploring assumptions about ranking in academic literature searches online
- Rebusque and minimal computing in rural Colombia: LibreEscuela, an OER co-creation project
- Time matters: a critical multimodal study of an English learning app for children in China
- Patient voices and student insights into LGBTQ+ healthcare: a call for equitable healthcare through medical education
- Belongingness in medical students: did it change during lockdown?
- Benefits and limitations of the transfer online of Irish College of General Practitioners continuing medical education small group learning during the COVID pandemic: a national Delphi study
- Recommendations to address and research systemic bias in assessment: perspectives from directors of research in medical education
- Short-term cognitive learning outcomes in team-based learning: is the permanent team important?
- Interprofessional education interventions for healthcare professionals to improve patient safety: a scoping review
- A critical qualitative study to understand current black women medical student perspectives on anti-racist reform in US medical education
- Exploring effective video-review strategies of patient encounters for medical students: precepted review versus peer discussion
- Accelerated competency-based education in primary care (ACE-PC): a 3-year UC Davis and Kaiser permanente partnership to meet California’s primary care physician workforce needs
- Difference in medical student performance in a standardized patient encounter between telemedicine and in-person environments
- The linear multiform: a cognitive model for E-Fiction
- Geo-spatial hypertext in virtual reality: mapping and navigating global news event spaces
- The evolution of the author—authorship and speculative worldbuilding in Johannes Heldén’s Evolution
- User-centred collecting for emerging formats
- From “screen-as-writing” theory to Internet culturology. A French perspective on digital textualities
- “Moving with the story”: the haptics of reader experience and response to digital comics
- Pasifika arts Aotearoa and Wikipedia
- Wikimedia Australia and first nations metadata: utilising the ATSILIRN protocols to create culturally appropriate description and access
- ‘Real’ Reel Poetry: Examining Co-Digital Motherhood Communities Through Reel Instapoetry
- “Thank god for tags”—fanfiction as a reading paradigm
- Community Collaboration to Develop a Curriculum on Settler Colonialism and the Social Determinants of Health
- How Might we Build an Equitable Future? Design Justice, a Counternarrative to Dominant Approaches in Medical Education
- Data, Discrimination, and Harm: LGBTQI People Left Behind
- Two Decades of Medical Spanish Education: A Narrative Review
- “I Thought Everyone Was Going to Hate Me for Being Pregnant”: The Enduring Influence of the Ideal Worker Image in GME
- Workplace Causality Orientations Moderate Impostorism and Burnout: New Insights for Wellness Interventions in Graduate Medical Education
- Collective Strategies to Equip Graduating Medical Students from Racial/Ethnic Backgrounds Underrepresented in Medicine to Succeed in Residency
- Teaching Medical Devices through Interactive Innovation: Challenges and Rewards
- Teaching Moral Courage & Rights-Based Leadership in Medicine: A Cross-Disciplinary Exploration
- Are Pre-clerkship Remediation, Grading, and Reporting Practices Equitable in the U.S.? A National Survey
- Comparison of Mytelemap and MindMeister in using competence maps for self-learning
- Student teacher learning with Ozobots and Makey Makeys during a workshop and field experience
- Scripted synergy: elevating EFL writing and creativity through collaborative digital storytelling
- A comparative study of technological pedagogical content knowledge between special education and general education in China
- Unmasking the depoliticisation of ICT in digital competence frameworks for educators: a critical discourse study
- WhatsApp for pedagogy: initiatives, instructional practices and the nature of knowledge in Israel’s secondary education
- Exploring teachers’ behavioural intentions to design artificial intelligence-assisted learning in Chinese K–12 education
- A testing load: a review of cognitive load in computer and paper-based learning and assessment
- Pedagogical approaches of maker educators in a school setting
- Effects of flipped blended learning based on assessment: an action research study in translation technology education